Javascript Library - Colour amimation plugin = updated 15th June 2011

This is really a re hash of the main animation plugin. (not included in tiny lib)

Colour Animation plugin.

Science is fun!!!! never take it seriously.

Download Library

I'm a Test Box. My id='a'

Click me!

Form: $('').Ac("red, green,blue","period",callback())

red = 0 to 255
green = 0 to 255
blue = 0 to 255
turn pure red in 3 seconds.

I'm a Test Box. My id='b'

Click me!

$("y").onclick = function() {
	$('b').Ac('backgroundColor','255,255,0',3000, function() {
		$('b').A('op','0',1000, function() {
			$('b').A('op','1',2000, function() {
				$('b').A('width','500',2000, function() {

The plug in.

You copy it and paste it anywhere in the library - between tho O,xx = function()'s as it were. Seee docs page if you are not really sure. If you are really bad at cutting and pasting you can download the whole library. Its on the docs page.

Color fader plugin